Friday May 14, 2010
In 1979, a mass movement with wide popular participation that resulted in a major shift in economic as well as political power that inaugurated, or perhaps more accurately, continued a process of vast social transformation. As with other revolutions, it was preceded by a long period of preparation in which the transfer of power was merely a stage introduced by deep discontent with the Pahlavi’s, and it was inspired by passionate beliefs, and driven by ardent hopes.
Muslim revolutionaries look to the birth of Islam as their model, and see themselves as engaged in a struggle against, paganism, oppression, and Empire. Therefore, with these Orthodox Islamic views, the current theocratic system of government was established by Khomeini, and the Islamic Republic of Iran replaced the traditional Monarch system of the government.
The proclamation of Islamic Republic of Iran by the dramatist Khomeini, shared frame of reference, and more important of allusion of memories, symbols that they can invoke to gain the interest, sympathy, and finally the enthusiastic participation of the players and the audience.
Over the past 30 years, the civil liberties and the freedom of expression already recognized in civilized societies have been taken hostage by current theocratic government of Iran. The Orthodox Islamic views of this government has total disregard for civil liberties and freedom of ethnicity and religious practices in Iran . To practice own Faith and belief is called into question and the individual will receive harsh punishment. Minorities are no exception, and in number of occasions they
have been subjected to capital punishment.
The prisons are crowded beyond capacity by political descent, and they are invariably housed with dangerous criminals, in most unhygienic and undesirable conditions.
In most cases, the charges that are brought to prisoners are unconscionable and without merit. The sentences that are handed down will not stand in any court of untainted law. The hand selected clergy have replaced the judiciary system. Independent conscientious judges are some thing of the past. The sentences are carried out without due process, and the capital punishments are carried out by hanging in the public, usually lifting up the victims, thereby gradual death by suffocation.
It was in this manner that on Mothers’ day Sunday, May 9, 2010 five innocent victims in their late twenties were put to death without appropriate legal representation. To this date, the bodies have not been delivered to relatives and their where about are not known. Apparently, their families were not permitted to arrange for funeral services.
The crimes of the Islamic Republic of Iran, against humanity are well known. Besides terrorizing other nations by supporting terrorists abroad, and within the geographical borders of Iran, the victims and minorities are subjected to brutality and large scale hardshi
It is disheartening that United Nations and Democratic Governments realize these atrocities against civilization and yet are trying to make friends with these Mullahs by numerous failed attempts to bring them to reason and understanding. One can not help but to surmise that the plight of Iranian people in this respect is of a lesser importance than to come to terms with this illegitimate Iranian government that has held our homeland hostage. For over thirty years, the Iranian people have been lied to by baseless claims of prosperity and misrepresentations.
In this light, we the Iranian citizens, humbly expect of those concern that have been seating on the benches of observations, to sympathize with us and give us a helping hand. We respectfully request to not hone in the Islamic Republic of Iran’s confabulatory remarks and propaganda. We ask for your understanding to assist us to realize our inner most desire to return to 21st century civilization.